The Zeppelins met today for a pizza lunch and to receive awards for the awesome plays of the 2012 season. The event was also a recruiting effort, and there were several new recruits in attendance which bodes well for the upcoming 2013 season. The new season is expected to kick off in early June (after the Legislature adjourns on June 6th). Pre-season practice is set to begin during the last week in May and an invite will be sent out soon.
The team, inspired by Secretary Moret and LED Business Plan item #11, showed vast improvement over the 2011 season in offensive production. Seventeen different players notched five or more hits, and nineteen different players drove in RBIs. The team also made it to the playoffs but were defeated in the first round. The new goal for the team in 2013 is to make it back to the playoffs and win a playoff game.
Every player from the 2012 season received an engraved trophy; stop by a Zeppelin’s office to check it out. In addition to the trophies there were certificates presented to players in many different categories. There were standard award categories for things like “Best Batting Average” and “Most Team Hits,” but there were also some categories not found in any other league such as “Softball Fashionista” and “Choppin’ Down Trees.”
This year there were awards for four- and five-tool players (hitting, running, catching, throwing, pitching) and the winners made a huge impact on the team’s performance. Four-tool players were Chelsea Harris, Melissa Moore and Jimmy Williams. Five-tool players were Eddie James and Victor Moore. Melissa and Victor also went home with the coveted “High Impact Couple” award. Several players earned multiple awards and some fans were winners too. The full list of awards is shown below.
Alicia Ardoin
Going Injury Free
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Anne Villa
Starting The Most Hitting Streaks
Keeping The Team Hydrated
Chandra Williams
Softball Fashionista
Fetching, Not Catching
Chelsea Harris
Best Batting Average - Female / Best (and only) Team Slide
Most Catches At Second Base With A Catcher's Mitt
Danielle Clapinski
Most Catches In The Outfield - Female
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Eddie James
Best Batting Average / Most Total Hits
Pitcher Extraordinaire / Best Roll-N-Run Plays
Fallon Blank
Cutest Single Game Player (TIE)
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Gary Beadle
Most Assists In The Outfield
Jacob McConnell
Best Catch On Top Of The Fence
Living The Dream For The Team
James Caldwell
Having The Off-Hand Be The Best Hand For Batting
Lugging The Most Stuff To The Field
Jayson Newell
Most Flies Caught In The Outfield In The Fewest Games
Tracking The Zeppelins On The Polina Rankings
Jessica McConnell
Getting Recruited From The Stands
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Jimmy Williams
Team Speedster (Faster Than Jaubert)
Most Trash Talk While Under The Influence of Corona Punch And Rice Krispy Treats
Joan Young
Cutest Single Game Player (TIE)
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Johan Salen
Johan Gets On Base, A Lot
I'm Great This Year But I Was Great Last Year Too
Katherine St. Onge
Best Team Baker
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Kathy Blankenship
Most Spills On The Field In A Single Game (3)
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Larry Collins
Most Cheered-For Player EVER
(Giving Caroline Something To Cheer About)
Linda Regira
Most RBIs
Most Spills On The Field
Matthew Wattigny
Most Improved Hitter Over Last Year - Male
Most Pre-Game Warm-Up (Running A Mile Before The Game)
Melissa Moore
Most Total Hits - Female
Most Put-Outs From A Prone Position
Michael Pernici
Best Relay Play Of The Season
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Rick Ward
Taking One For The Team
Most Put-Outs From Different Positions (Shortstop, First Base, Outfield)
Russell Richardson
His Best Performance In A Single Game - His Only Game
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Sarah Vanden Broek
Most Improved Hitter Over Last Year - Female
Fastest & Most Graceful Runner
Steven Grissom
Most Scoops At First Base
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Victor Moore
Playing The Most Different Positions
Choppin' Down Trees
Stephen Moret
Inspiring The Team
Business Plan Item #11 (Moneyball)
Sandra Granata
Supplying Corona Punch To The Team
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Brenda Guess
Supplying Beer To The Team
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Raven Moore
Best Cheerleader In The League (TIE)
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Caroline Collins
Best Cheerleader In The League (TIE)
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Mills Richardson
Keeping The Players Safe In The Dugout
Ant Killer!